Pornography & Sex Addiction


Formerly Sexual Recovery Institute (SRI), Relativity is a premiere national outpatient sexual addiction and non-violent sexual offender treatment agency, provides confidential, ethical and effective clinical programs that encourage healthy sexuality, relationship intimacy and personal integrity.

Beggar’s Daughter

A ministry dedicated to walking with women who have an addiction to pornography.

National Center on Sexual Exploitation

National Center on Sexual Exploitation is opposing pornography by highlighting the links to sex trafficking, violence against women, child abuse, addiction and more.


ParentsAware provides parents with the best information on how to talk to their kids and teens about pornography and healthy sexuality.

Campaign for a Porn-Free Childhood

Advocating for Congress to initiate laws allowing parents and guardians the right to protect minors from pornography and indecent internet material.

SheRecovery exists to provide women with help, hope, and healing from pornography and sexual addiction through safe, confidential online community and access to unique recovery resources. Formerly Dirty Girls Ministries founded by Crystal Renaud Day in February of 2009, SheRecovery has streamlined into a place where women can find fellowship and support from other women all across the world. SheRecovery is now a division of Crystal’s counseling organization, Living on Purpose.

Pure Desire Ministries

At Pure Desire, the aim is to educate and mobilize church leaders to facilitate hope and freedom from sexual addiction, through the development of healing ministries. Read Brett’s story

Defend Young Minds

Defend Young Minds mission is: we educate, encourage and equip parents, professionals and community leaders to defend young minds from the harms of pornography. We are devoted to developing excellent tools, including books, curriculum, articles, guides, courses and communities, to help raise empowered, resilient, screen-smart kids.​

Strength to Fight

Strength to Fight is an organization dedicated to a porn-free Canada, and to providing resources to help those battling the harmful effects of pornography.

Voices for Virtue

Voices For Virtue is an online community of people who think virtue is important. We want to help each other be more virtuous.

Living Free

Purchase Living Free in our store to find help discovering the sources of past pain and find freedom and healing through Jesus. Download articles for free. Ben Bennett’s articles on Guide to Understanding Sexual Addiction and Porn and the Great Commission.

Fight the New Drug

Fight the New Drug takes a non-religious, non-legislative, non-judgmental approach. They recognize an individual’s right to view and produce pornography, however, once they are educated on the harmful effects of pornography we believe they will choose to avoid it. Fight the New Drug only wishes to educate about the negative effects of pornography on individuals, families, and communities.


Reach 10 brings young adults together to create a new culture of compassion, courage, and connection to replace the shame, silence and fear that keep people isolated and stuck in the problems of pornography.


More than Cyberparenting: Conversations to Connect. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit keeping kids safe online by creating a culture of honest conversation in families, churches and schools.

Protect Young Eyes

Protect Young Eyes explains digital trends, social media, & parental controls. We teach internet safety via webinars, our app, & live talks.

Covenant Eyes: Screen Accountability

Screen Accountability and Filtering helps you protect yourself and your family online.

Free to Thrive:

How Your Hurt, Struggles, and Deepest Longings Can Lead to a Fulfilling Life


XXXchurch, the largest site online and the most recognized voice on the planet on the issue of pornography, is your resource online to fight porn addiction. XXXchurch uses the web, social media and news media to tell a story often left untold and is committed to help men and women conquer sexual issues like pornography addiction and sex addiction and regain control of their lives.


pureHOPE‘s vision is a world free of sexual exploitation and brokenness, and we work toward that through our mission of providing Christian solutions in a sexualized culture. In short, this ministry equips individuals, families, and churches to pursue sexual purity and oppose sexual exploitation.

White Ribbon Week

White Ribbon Week is a fun-filled elementary school program that helps kids make healthy choices in media and technology. Every day, kids learn a new principle of online behavior through stories, classroom discussions and fun activities.

We Stand Guard

The We Stand Guard training program offers solutions to prevent the problem of child sexual abuse by teaching boundaries and personal safety to children and grown-ups using proven methods, prevention tools and strategies which empower families and organizations.