Frontline Prayer: Estonia

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Our staff in Estonia recently shared:

We enjoy exploring medieval churches in the Estonian countryside. Recently, we came upon the one pictured. The pastor shared they had just celebrated the church’s 800th anniversary – meaning believers have been here since the 1200s!

Curious about the congregation size, we asked the pastor how many people attend. He replied, “Seven.” We thought we had misheard, so we asked if he meant 70. He said, “No, just seven.” We instinctively apologized. He smiled and said, “I’m certainly not sorry.”  We asked how he remains motivated to prepare a message for such a small group, and he shared words we won’t forget: “Living in a country with only 200,000 believers, how blessed am I that my countryside has seven. Each of these seven is truly a miracle. I am blessed!”

At Josh McDowell Ministry, we are thankful to partner with Christian leaders worldwide. Some experience abundant harvests, while others labor faithfully, rejoicing that there is a harvest at all. May these words encourage us today. No matter what we are facing, the harvest belongs to the Lord. He does not need us, yet He calls each of us to participate in His harvest. Let us join the pastor above in realizing, “I am truly blessed!”


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Frontline Prayer Requests

  • Pray for the church in Estonia. Once so rich in faith, the average church size today is 23 members.
  • Pray earnestly to the God of the harvest – for both the laborers and harvest.
  • Pray for Josh McDowell Ministry as we partner with countries like Estonia to equip staff to impact their country for Christ.