Several years ago, we heard Josh speak at the National Apologetics Conference.
He told the story about when his (at the time) teenage son expressed doubts about God and Josh reacted with, “Great! Let’s talk about it!” That story helped us to effectively minister to our own son.
One night, as a senior at a Christian school who was having his ear beaten by an atheist student (Yes, there was an atheist student attending the Christian high school.), he seemed bothered. When I asked what was wrong, he told me he was really struggling with his faith. Remembering what Josh said, I responded with, “Great! Tell me what you’re thinking.”
My husband joined the conversation and we didn’t correct him, but we encouraged him to seek answers, talk to us, and pray. We told him that God was interested in relationship with Him and was not put off by his questions but welcomes them as it offers Him a chance to reveal Himself to him. We encouraged him that this was a good, healthy, and necessary process for Christians to go through so their faith becomes their own.
I am so thankful for Josh sharing that story as it has not only guided us in helping our children navigate their doubts, but I’ve used that dynamic to encourage other parents to welcome their teens’ questions and encourage them as they build themselves up in their own faith. Please share my thanks and appreciation to Josh for sharing his wisdom!