Christianity is About Loving Relationships


What is it that you and I long for most? Loving relationships. To belong. To be in loving, meaningful relationships with others. And that shouldn’t surprise us, because God MADE us that way. He planted within us his capacity for loving relationships, his “relational DNA.” God gave us his ability to love, so that we […]

Love: Theme of Life

Love: Theme of Life

Jesus’ words and life make it clear that love is always right. It is right for all people, for all places, and for all times.  Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest command­ment. A second is […]

The Best Valentine Ever


Welcome! As Valentine’s Day quickly approaches, I want to ask you this question: Who is the author of the best valentine ever? Shakespeare? Keats? Dickinson? Nope. God! Valentine and Day. Just mentioning those two words together puts some in a major funk. Because we’re not in a relationship, and desperately want one — or we’re […]